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The Royal Scottish Society of Arts
Showcasing Scotland's Science, Technology and Innovation

2nd Meeting of the 182nd Session (2002-2003)

The Law Offshore

International Law Aspects of Some Environmental Issues
in the Seas around the United Kingdom

Professor Robin Churchill
Professor of Law
Cardiff Law School

In the Wolfson Suite, Ground Floor
Edinburgh University Library
George Square, Edinburgh
On Monday 16th December 2002, at 7 pm

This talk will look at a number of topical environmental issues relating to the waters around the United Kingdom and how they are governed by international law. It will cover, amongst other things, international controversy over nuclear activities at Sellafield (currently the subject of litigation between Ireland and the United Kingdom); the environmental impact of dredging for sand and gravel; threats to coldwater coral reefs from human activities; pollution in the North Sea from offshore oil production; and whether that oil is Scotland's.

Location of meeting

Society Business

The President, Dr Stuart Monro, will be in the Chair

  1. Nominations for Fellowship of the Society will be tabled at the meeting.
  2. Notice of meeting on 20th January 2003.

Members of the Public are welcome to attend

Graham Rule, Secretary

The Royal Scottish Society of Arts is Registered Scottish Charity SC015549

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