Annual General Meeting & 9th Meeting of the 187th Session (2007-2008)
In the Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge
On Monday 14th July 2008, at 7:30pm
— Please note the revised date for this meeting.
(Following the Society's AGM which takes place at 7pm)
A geologist is always drawn to parts of the world where geological processes can be seen. Often the pretext is a holiday but if you're lucky you can sometimes get to exciting places as part of an official delegation! Iceland holds the clues to the volcanic processes along the mid-Atlantic ridge and these processes explain the recent Icelandic earthquake. We will explore the glories of the Icelandic landscape and the stories told from the rocks.
Equally, Nepal and the Himalayas tell a story of ocean collision and on two trips to the Annapurna area good evidence of plate tectonic movement was found. But really the geology was a sideline and the magnificence of a walk in the mountains to an altitude of 5416m was the real objective.We will explore a bit of Nepalese culture and soak up some of the atmosphere (or lack of it) the comes from being among some REAL mountains.
Professor Monro, a Chartered Geologist and Fellow of the Geological Society, is a tutor in Earth Sciences at the Open University and has served on the Open University's Senate and Council. He is a Trustee of the National Museums of Scotland and Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh (School of Geosciences). He is presently Independent Co-chair of the Scottish Science Advisory Committee, a national forum which provides strategic advice to the Scottish Government on scientific issues.
The President, Professor Anthony Busuttil, will be in the Chair
Jane Ridder-Patrick, Secretary
The Royal Scottish Society of Arts is Registered Scottish Charity SC015549