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The Royal Scottish Society of Arts
Showcasing Scotland's Science, Technology and Innovation

7th Meeting of the 189th Session (2009-2010)

Disasters at sea: what have we learnt since the Titanic, and what we may have forgotten

Tristan Smith
Naval architect

In the Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge
Edinburgh, EH1 1EL
On Monday 24th May 2010, at 7pm

The sinking of the RMS Titanic, just under 100 years ago, is an iconic event that captivated public attention at the time and continues to be evocative to this day. Since that tragedy, extensive international safety regulations have been established and developed, and the technology and experience applied to the design and construction of ships has progressed. Despite significant progress, globally we still lose 100's of ships and 1000's of lives at sea every year. The reasons for these losses are often complicated. This talk will examine some of the recent incidents and discuss some of the issues associated with the damage and loss of ships at sea.

Tristan Smith studied engineering before starting his career with the Ministry of Defence. After specialising in naval architecture, he worked as a technical specialist in warship structures before taking up research positions at UCL where he now works. In 2009, he was awarded the Royal Institute of Naval Architects and Lloyd's Register Educational Trust Ship Safety Award for his research on 'damaged ships'. He is a committee member of the International Ship and offshore Structures Congress.

Location of meeting

Members of the Public are welcome to attend

Jane Ridder-Patrick, Secretary

The Royal Scottish Society of Arts is Registered Scottish Charity SC015549

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