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The Royal Scottish Society of Arts
Showcasing Scotland's Science, Technology and Innovation

Annual General Meeting and 8th Meeting of the 193rd Session (2013-2014)

Annual General Meeting

The Society's AGM will be held in the Augustine United Church
41 George IV Bridge
Edinburgh, EH1 1EL
On Monday 16th June 2014, at 7pm

The President, Professor Ian Robson, will be in the Chair.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the AGM held on Monday 24th June 2013
  3. The President's Report
  4. The Treasurer's Report
  5. Election of Office-Bearers
  6. Any other competent business

Only Fellows of the Society may attend and be present at this part of the evening's proceedings.

On the conclusion of the AGM, by 7.30pm, visitors and guests will be invited to join us for the Society's Annual Members' Evening.

Dr Jane Ridder-Patrick

Dr Jane Ridder-Patrick

"Scottish Contributions to the Scientific Revolution"

Dr Jane Ridder-Patrick
RSSA Secretary

The Scottish Enlightenment and the great Scots associated with it have received a great deal of much-deserved attention over recent years. The period which preceded and underpinned this has, however, been much less investigated. In this talk we will look at the melting pot of paradigm change that was the scientific revolution and at the contributions of some of the notable Scots who played a vital role in it.

Jane Ridder-Patrick has a PhD in History from the University of Edinburgh, and has a special interest in the History of Science. Her first degree was in Pharmacy from Heriot-Watt University and she also has a qualification in Counselling from Strathclyde University. Jane has been Secretary of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts for the last ten years.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this lecture.

After the lecture there will be a reception where wine, soft drinks and nibbles will be served and all are invited to take up this opportunity to meet and mingle with Fellows and guests.

Location of meeting

Dr Jane Ridder-Patrick, Secretary

The Royal Scottish Society of Arts is Registered Scottish Charity SC015549

The Society's website is maintained by <webmaster @ rssa.org.uk>