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Annual General Meeting and 8th Meeting of the 198th Session (2018-2019)

Annual General Meeting

On Monday 3rd June 2019, at 7pm

The President will be in the Chair.


  1. To record apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the AGM held on Monday 4th June 2018
  3. Presentation of the Annual Report of the Council for the 11 months ended 31st August 2018
  4. President’s Report of the 198th Session of the Society
  5. Election of Officers
  6. A.O.R.B (Please advise Secretary in advance)

Only Fellows of the Society may participate in this part of the evening's proceedings.

Science & Technology at National Museums Scotland: Past, Present and Future

Following the conclusion of the AGM there will be a presentation by Dr Sam Alberti, Keeper of Science and Technology, National Museums Scotland entitled, “Science & Technology at National Museums Scotland: Past, Present and Future”.

The evening will conclude with a buffet reception to which all Fellows and their guests are invited.