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Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts

The Society produced Transactions between 1841 and 1927. These have been digitised and made available by the National Library of Scotland https://digital.nls.uk/transactions-of-the-royal-scottish-society-of-arts/archive/.

Edinburgh Journal of Science, Technology and Photographic Art

From 1926 this journal included the Society's transactions along with those of the Edinburgh Photographical Society. At various stages it included the Edinburgh & District Radio Society, the Edinburgh Electrical Society, the Edinburgh Association of Science and Arts, and the Electrical Association for Women. From 1949 it was Edinburgh Journal of Science and Technology and was just documenting the activities of the RSSA.

These have not yet been digitised but are available for reference in the NLS. Please note, they are stored off-site so should be requested via the NLS website in advance.

Keith Lectures

Between 1908 and 1952 various lecture series were published as booklets.

On Brewing; Five popular lectures by Dr Emil Westergaard

Keith Lectures 1908 (116pp). These are a reprint of Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts ; vol. 18, pt.1 (See above)

Gas Manufacture and Lighting by Henry O'Connor

Keith Lectures 1909, published 1910 (115pp)

Aviation - A course of four lectures by Lieutenant-Colonel W O Raikes

Keith Lectures 1922 (102pp)

The Modern World and the Engineer

Based on Keith Lectures symposium in 1933 on "The Trend of Modern Engineering", published 1934 (140pp)

The Atomic Patterns of Everyday Materials by Sir W Lawrence Bragg

Keith Lecture 1952. Reprinted from Journal Vol 26

Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts

This small booklet, designed and produced by Professor Beverly Bergman, is available to download on the Society's website: https://rssa.org.uk/history/RSSA200.pdf